Are you ready to FINALLY get to the root cause of your symptoms?











I see you!

You feel dismissed and unheard by healthcare providers who don't take your concerns seriously.

You feel overwhelmed by conflicting health advice and just want clear, personalized guidance.

You struggle with chronic symptoms that disrupt your daily life and want a long-term solution.

You want a holistic approach to healthcare that considers your unique body, mind, and lifestyle.

Here's the problem...

Conventional medicine often focuses on symptom management rather than identifying and addressing the underlying causes of your health issues.

Many healthcare providers have limited time and resources, leading to rushed appointments and bandaid solutions that don't fully address your needs. 

You lack ongoing support and follow-up, making it challenging to stay on track with your health goals or treatment plans and make sustainable progress.

Stress, nutrition and lifestyle factors are frequently overlooked, despite their significant impact on your overall health and happiness.

But imagine if you could…

  • Work with a practitioner who focuses on identifying and addressing the root causes of your health issues, leading to lasting improvements and true healing
  • Have thorough appointments with a healthcare provider who takes the time to understand your unique needs and creates personalized solutions
  • Receive ongoing support and follow-up, ensuring you stay on track with your health goals, adjust your protocol as needed, and make sustainable progress
  • Have a comprehensive approach that includes stress management, nutrition, and lifestyle factors, all contributing to your overall health and happiness

What our clients are saying

I get it!


I was once where you are now. I was feeling frustrated and stuck. I was dealing with chronic sinus infections, debilitating migraines, depression, anxietyhormone imbalances and was constantly sick.


Despite seeing numerous doctors, I was just handed medications that didn't address the root causes of my issues.


I created Ritter Functional Health so none of my clients had to feel how I felt: alone, confused and frustrated. We have helped over 400 clients find and address the underlying causes of their health problems, achieve lasting relief, and reclaim their health and happiness.


Our Signature 6 Month Program

Perfect for anyone who would like to utilize a root cause approach to healing. You will have access to a team of experienced practitioners who will analyze your labs, health history and symptoms to come up with a comprehensive protocol for you and guide you towards optimal health. 


Are you ready to...

  • FINALLY get to the root cause of your symptoms
  • Utilize functional lab testing to figure out what is causing imbalances in your unique body
  • Have a health partner in your corner to guide you towards optimal health

"Nicole is incredibly thoroughthoughtful and attentive. She looks at your body and symptoms with an integrative perspective looking to heal the individual down to the cellular level, and to get rid of unwanted heavy metals/toxins as well as various pathogens that can wreak havoc on our health.

Anyone who has not been feeling well for a significant period of time and feeling hopeless with the traditional medical doctor not solving their problems (like me) needs to talk to her. She will change your life and will find out what ails you through specific tests and analysis which will shed a light on why you feel the way you do. She will create a customized plan how to change these complex variables in our bodies that effect us negatively to help find harmony in order to heal properly and to live your best life. "



Here’s what's included in our 6 month program:

  • 6 months of support 

  • Symptom Analysis 

  • Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis

  • Functional labs: Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, GI Stool Map, Organic Acid Test

  • Messaging during business hours with members of our team

  • Seven calls with members of our team for: protocol support, lab overview and analysis, nutrition support, coaching and motivation , mindset, stress and nervous system support

  • Video recordings of lab results 

  • Food guidance (meal plans and / or recipe books)

  • Written protocols with suggestions to address whatever we find in the labs

  • Ritter Functional Health educational course


You can get results like these too!

Hi, I'm Nicole!

I am a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Holistic Nutritionist, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, Health and Life Coach and founder of Ritter Functional Health. 


I began my own health and wellness journey seven years ago to find answers to my own health problems. I have been able to completely reverse my debilitating migraines, chronic sinus infections, depression, anxiety and hormone imbalances. 


I became a FDN-P and Holistic Nutritionist so I could help my clients find the root cause(s) of their health issues, address those root causes and THRIVE in life and in health. 


At Ritter Functional Health, our journey began from a personal place. Each of us has faced our own health challenges and found that the care we sought was elusive. Motivated by this, we created a sanctuary for healing that we once longed for. 


Our comprehensive analysis and functional lab testing illuminate the root causes of health struggles, guiding you towards balance and resolution of symptoms. As advocates of integrative medicine, we champion evidence-based, safe, effective, noninvasive, and medication-free solutions. 


Ritter Functional Health provides insightful interpretations of your functional lab results, crafts a personalized plan tailored to your unique needs, and offers unwavering support every step of the way.

"Cannot recommend Nicole & her team at Ritter Functional Health enough! I worked alongside Nicole for around 6 months & in that time, my sleep, energy, bowel habits & acne improved. I still have healing to do, but I’ve learned that the healing journey is not linear & patience is key. Nicole has been so supportive along the way - whether it was helping me through my protocol, educating me (as a nurse & a client) on things I never learned about the body while in nursing school, or simply being a listening ear.. She is so passionate about health & it radiates along with her kindness. Throughout the journey, a lot of self realization occurred in terms of my stress levels, but I didn’t know what to do with that.. Low & behold, Nicole brought Brook onto her team & she helped me so much! Brook recommended several tools that will help me cope with stress & improve my thought processes about my journey while I continue to heal. I’m so thankful my journey crossed paths with Nicole & her team & can’t wait to hopefully cross paths with her again one day. 10 out of 10 recommend!"



It's time to get started!

If you're ready to finally get to the root cause of your symptoms, it's time to get started!


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